Student Handbook
Welcome to Raymond Gabaldon Elementary School! We strive to provide the very best opportunities for all students as they learn, grow, and prepare for their future. We have provided this handbook to help students and parents understand the policies and procedures at Raymond Gabaldon Elementary School. It should answer many of your questions regarding school rules, student dress, discipline, and attendance policies.
- Daily Schedule
- Inclement Weather
- Absences
- Arrival
- Attendance Policy
- Automated Notification System
- Bullying
- Cafeteria Expectations
- Cell Phones
- Classroom Placements
- Communication
- Collections/Fundraisers
- Conferences
- Counseling Services
- Discipline
- Dismissal Procedures
- Dress Code for Students
- Drug-Free Environment
- Emergency Contact Info
- Enrollment
- English as a Second Language
- Field Trips
- Film/Video Policy
- Immunization Requirements
- Insurance
- Internet Use Agreement
- Library
- Lost & Found
- Lunch Schedule
- Medications
- Non-Educational Items
- Playground Safety
- Pre-K
- Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
- Religion
- Report Cards/Progress Reports
- Safety Drills
- Safety & Security Guidelines
- Special Education Services/Modifications
- Speed Limits
- Student Assistance Team (SAT)
- Student Checkout
- Student Council
- Tardiness/Early Removals
- Technology
- Telephone Usage
- Title I Grant
- Title III Grant
- Transportation
- Visitors
- Volunteers
- Withdrawal From School/Transfers
Daily Schedule
Daily Schedule:
8:40am-8:55am: Students Arrive
8:55am-9:00am: Breakfast/Morning Announcements
3:10pm: School Dismissal
Lunch & Recess Schedule:
1st 10:55-11:35
2nd 10:55-11:35
3rd 12:05-12:45
4th 12:05-12:45
5th 11:45-12:25
6th 11:15-11:55
Kinder: 11:45-12:25
Early Release:
8:40am-8:55am: Students Arrive
8:55am-9:00am: Breakfast/Announcements
12:00pm: School Dismissal
Lunch on Early Release Days:
PreK/Kinder: 10:25-11:05
5th/6th Grade: 10:25-11:05
1st/2nd Grade: 10:45-11:25
3rd-4th Grade: 11:05-11:45
Inclement Weather
In the event of hazardous weather conditions, the Los Lunas Schools will operate on an abbreviated schedule. Doors will open at 10:40 a.m. and school will begin at 11:00 a.m.; dismissal time will remain the same for all schools. Buses will pick up students approximately two hours later than usual, depending on road conditions.
If school will be on a 2-hour delay due to weather, you will receive a message via REMIND. Also, abbreviated days are generally announced at 6:00am over local television and radio stations. These stations will also announce school cancellations. In severe weather situations, these announcements may be made the night before. In the event school must be cancelled due to weather conditions, the day(s) may be made up at the end of the school year. The school messenger system will contact families via phone or text. Please make sure your
contact information is up to date.
When your child is absent please provide a note to the teacher providing dates and reason for the absence when your child returns to school. Absences not reported by a parent/guardian within 24 hours with a handwritten note are recorded as unexcused.
Excused School Absences: Sickness, doctor appointments, dentist appointments, religious holidays, hospitalization
Unexcused Absences (examples): staying home to babysit, too tired to come to school, the weather, missed the bus, suspended from the bus, overslept, vacations.
Studies show a direct link between regular school attendance and academic achievement. Elementary age children with poor attendance records are more likely to experience difficulty in core subjects.
Attendance Policy
A. The Los Lunas Board of Education recognizes that regular attendance by students who are subject to the Compulsory Attendance Statutes (N.M.S.A.) 1978 sections 22-12-1 through 22- 12-7) is a vital cornerstone in school success. The Board expects students enrolled in the Los Lunas Schools to attend regularly and to make every reasonable effort to be both punctual and regular in their attendance.
B. Persons excused from the Compulsory Attendance requirements are: persons specifically exempted by law from the provisions of NMSA 1978 Sections 22-12-1 through 22-12-7; 2 persons graduated from a high school; persons at least eighteen (18) years of age and have been excused by the local school board or its authorized representative upon finding that the person will be employed in a gainful trade or occupation or engaged in an alternative form of education sufficient for the person’s educational needs and the parent, guardian or other person having custody and control of the person to be excused from the provisions of this section by the superintendent of schools of the district in which the person is a resident and the person is under eight (8) years of age.
C. Persons subject to the provisions of the Compulsory School Attendance Law shall attend school for at least the time of the school year that is established in the Los Lunas Schools.
D. Any parent, guardian or person having custody and control of a person subject to the provisions of the Compulsory School Attendance Laws is responsible forthe school attendance of that person.
E. If a student is absent (unexcused) for three (3) school days in any twenty (20) day period; a truancy letter will be generated through Truancy and sent to the student’s residence. If the unexcused absences continue and reach five (5) days, a five-day truancy letter will be sent to the listed residence informing them of the absences. If absences continue, they will be referred to attend a Truancy Prevention Workshop, notification will be sent out via mail. Other forms of interventions can and will be offered to assist the family with the truancy issue.
F. The Los Lunas Schools through the truancy department will receive notification via certified mail to the parent, legal guardian or custodian of a student who has accumulated ten (10) unexcused absences in any time period. These places the student into the Habitual Truant status as defined in the Compulsory School Attendance Statutes (NMSA...1978 22-12-1 through 22-12-7).
G. A parent, guardian or one having custody of a student who, after receiving written notification and after the matter has been reviewed as previously stated, knowingly allows the student to violate the Compulsory School Attendance Law shall be guilty of a petty misdemeanor. Upon first conviction, a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars ($25) dollars may be imposed, or the parent, guardian or one having custody of the student may be ordered to perform community service. If a second conviction occurs, the parent, legal guardian or one having custody of the student who knowingly allows the student to violate the Compulsory School Attendance Law Shall be guilty of a petty misdemeanor and shall be subject to a fine of not more than five hundred dollars ($500.), or incarceration for a period not to exceed six
(6) months or both.
H. No student shall be absent from school sponsored-interscholastic activities extracurricular activities in excess of ten (10) days in the school year, and no class may be missed in excess of ten (10) day in the entire school year. Non-school sponsored extracurricular activities such as 4H, which are approved by the district, will be treated the same as school sponsored interscholastic extracurricular activities.
I. Absences due to religious commitments are covered in the Compulsory School Attendance section under excused absences. The Los Lunas School’s Board of Education and its employees shall not assume responsibility for the religious instruction or permit it to be conducted on school property.
J. The Board requires parent to provide written excuses or by phone depending on school site, indicating the reason and justification for not being present at school on the days absent, vacations are not an excused absence.
Raymond Gabaldon Elementary is requesting that parents provide a doctor's note for absences longer than three (3) consecutive days.
Automated Notification System
REMIND is the alert/message system the District and all of the individual schools use to alert families if an emergency situation arises such as a school delay due to inclement weather conditions. It is also used to provide reminders about upcoming events such as parent/teacher conferences, Renaissance assemblies and PTO sponsored family events. The messages are delivered to the parent phone numbers and email addresses provided on your child’s Registration Form.
Bullying: Bullying behavior by any student in the Los Lunas Schools is strictly prohibited, and such conduct may result in disciplinary action, including suspension and/or expulsion from school. "Bullying" means any repeated and pervasive written, verbal, or electronic expression, physical act or gesture, or a pattern thereof, that is intended to cause distress upon one or more students in the school, on school grounds, in school vehicles, at a designated bus stop, or school activities or sanctioned events. Bullying includes, but is not limited to, hazing, harassment, intimidation, or menacing acts of a student, which may, but need not be based on the student's race, color, sex, ethnicity, national origin, religion, disability, age, or sexual orientation that a reasonable person under the circumstances should know will have the effect of placing a student in reasonable fear of physical harm or damage to the student's property; or Physically harming a student or damaging a student's property; or Insulting or demeaning any student or group of students in such a way as to disrupt or interfere with the school's educational mission or the education of any student. Students and parents may file verbal or written complaints concerning suspected bullying behavior to school personnel and administrators. Any report of suspected bullying behavior will be promptly reviewed. If acts of bullying are verified, prompt disciplinary action may be taken against the perpetrator, up to and including suspension and/or expulsion.
Cafeteria Expectations
Stand quietly in line
Sit at assigned place at the table
Talk quietly only to those seated nearby at the same table
Eat own lunch
Clean up around lunch table, pick up all food and trash
Follow the directions of the cafeteria duties
Remain seated at the lunch table until dismissed
Do not take food out of the cafeteria
Do not bring large packages of chips/snacks that cannot be consumed while in the cafeteria. Only single serving packaging of snack items will be allowed.
Cell Phones
If your child must have a cell phone, it MUST be kept in a backpack (turned off) where it will not be seen or heard from during the hours of 8:45 am until 3:00 pm.
Students may not carry cell phones on their person during the school day. If it is necessary to remove the phone from a student, the phone must be checked in with office personnel immediately. *RGE adheres to all CDC/DOH/LLS current COVID safety protocols.
1st offense - Verbal Warning
2nd offense - Phone is removed from the student and checked in to the office. The parent must come to school to pick up the cell phone.
3rd offense - Loss of privilege and parent must come to school to pick up cell phone. (3rd offense is a referral).
Students are not permitted to use their cell phones during school hours. (See telephone usage)
Classroom Placements
Classroom placements are based on criteria designed to promote a quality instructional setting for our students. Students are placed in classes to obtain a balance of boys/girls, achievement levels, and social skills. Teachers complete pupil placement forms, which provide classroom information on student achievement levels, social skills and learning styles. Every effort is made to place students in a learning environment that will address their individual needs and promote success.
We encourage regular communication between home and school. Classroom teachers will provide parents with monthly newsletters with important dates and information regarding the instructional focus in the classroom and will communicate via the district communication system, REMIND. Additionally, parents will receive a weekly family message from school administration via REMIND.
Formal conferences are scheduled twice each school year. For the 2024-2025 school year, conferences will be held September 23, 2024 and February 03, 2025. We consider these conferences to be very important and beneficial to teachers, students, and the parents. Please make every effort to attend. Informal conferences may be scheduled with teachers as needed.
Counseling Services
Counseling services are available to all students, families and staff. A link is provided to all school staff, students and parents needing assistance on Canvas. School counseling services provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to develop positive decision making skills and positive school and peer relationships that support academic success.
Most discipline issues should be resolved in the classroom. Clear expectations, fair consequences, and engaging activities will assist students in acquiring self-discipline and promote a positive learning environment. Teachers will send home a copy of their classroom expectations, rules, rewards, and consequences at the beginning of the school year.
Hot Slips: If a student receives a verbal warning for disregarding a school rule and does not immediately correct the action, staff will issue the student a Hot Slip. A Hot Slip may also be issued immediately, without verbal warning, based on the severity of the infraction. The Hot Slip describing the student’s actions will be given to the student’s teacher. The teacher will set the consequences and send a copy of the Hot Slip home to parents. Parents are asked to sign the Hot Slip and return it to the teacher the next school day. The teacher or parent may request a conference. If a student has received three (3) hot slips and has not corrected the action, the teacher will submit all three (3) hot slips to the principal for further action. The teacher will document what has occurred and provide information regarding the steps that have been taken to assist the student. The Principal will meet with the student and contact the parents to arrange a conference, in-school detention, home suspension, or other discipline.
Students who do not follow school or classroom rules must be prepared to accept the consequences for their actions. Consequences may include:
A verbal warning and an opportunity to correct the action
Mediation (working out the problem with a neutral party)
Loss of privilege
Visit with the Counselor or Principal
Removal from the group or activity
Time-Out (minor offenses)
Hot Slip (repeat offenses)
In-School Suspension and/or office referral (major offenses)
Parent-Teacher-Student Conference with the Principal or designee to develop a Behavior Improvement Plan
Removal from the school setting (suspension)
Dismissal Procedures
In order to ensure the safety of our students at dismissal time, please observe the following procedures:
Automobile PICK-UP - If you are picking up your child at dismissal time, please enter the school campus at the east entrance and proceed along the front of the school to receive your child at the designated area. Staff members will guide you through the pick-up area. Please present your student pick-up card to the staff member on duty when picking up your child. A staff member will escort your child to your vehicle when you arrive at the designated pick-up area. In the event that the student pick-up card is unavailable, the parent/guardian must present a valid, picture ID in the office.
WALKERS - will meet in the gym and be escorted by a staff member to the cross walk.
PARENT PICK-UP - If you are picking up your child after school, please wait at the end of the 100 hall on the west side of the building. Parents/guardians must have a student pick-up card to receive the student.
Students will not be released to parents/guardians from the classroom. Students will not be released after 2:35 p.m. as this interrupts important instruction at the close of the day.
Students riding bicycles from school at dismissal time are not allowed to ride their bikes in the school parking lot.
Dress Code for Students
Raymond Gabaldon Elementary expects student dress and grooming to reflect high standards of personal conduct so that each student's attire promotes a positive, safe and healthy atmosphere at school. Student dress should not present a disruption to the educational environment. Administration will have the final decision on what is disruptive.
All clothing must be appropriately sized. Over-sized outerwear is not allowed.
Pants - must be worn at or above the hips, not over-sized. Leggings may only be worn under skirts or with tops that cover the seat of the leggings.
Shirts - Sleeveless shirts are acceptable as long as they are not muscle shirts, spaghetti straps, tank tops, halters, or low armpit sport jerseys. Shirts cannot be see through and must be long enough to completely cover the midriff.
Shorts/Dresses/Skirts- All shorts, dresses, and skirts must be fingertip length or longer (even if leggings are worn underneath).
Footwear- It is strongly recommended that students wear a full shoe or athletic shoe. Flip-flops are not allowed at school because they pose a safety hazard for children on the playground. Sandals are not allowed in P.E. No heels higher than 1/2 inch. Bedroom slippers are not allowed. Heelies are not allowed.
Hats - Hats are allowed if worn with the brim above the forehead and removed when entering buildings.
Any clothing featuring alcohol, gangs, gang writing, gambling, tobacco, drugs, or are sexually suggestive are not allowed. Keep in mind that dress and appearance should not present a potential disruption to the instructional program.
Drug-Free Environment
Emergency Contact Info
Parents/Guardians of students who are enrolling for the first time in the Los Lunas Schools must provide the following information at the time of registration:
- Valid Driver’s License or State ID
- Official Birth Certificate
- Current Immunization Records
- Proof of Residency (lease agreement, mortgage, PNM, water, etc)
Hospital certificates or baptismal records will not be accepted as birth certificates. Students entering Kindergarten must be 5 years of age before 12:01am on September 1 of the year they are entering school. Parents or guardians of students must complete the registration forms online in order to register their child in school.
English as a Second Language
Field Trips
Field trips are designed to enrich students’ learning. Students must have a written permission form signed by parent or legal guardian on file prior to leaving on the trip. Failure to return a signed permission form, prior to the trip, will result in the student’s inability to participate. Students are expected to follow all school rules during each field trip. Parent volunteers assisting with field trip activities are expected to model appropriate behavior and promote positive learning experiences. Parent volunteers work under the direction of the teacher to supervise and facilitate learning activities. Younger siblings or students not enrolled in our school are not permitted on field trips. Parents must have a permission form on file 24 hours in advance in order to take their student home from a field trip. Parents may not ride on the bus.
Film/Video Policy
Films or videos may be used within the context of classroom instruction. Teachers use standard selection guidelines and professional judgment in selecting all materials to enhance the curriculum. The District’s Instructional Directive regarding the use of videos/film specifies that only “G” rated films/videos will be shown to students in grades K-6. Permission forms will be sent home for “PG” rated films.
Immunization Requirements
New Mexico State Law requires that all new students must produce current immunization records or prove that the appropriate immunization process has begun before they can enroll in school. If a student does not meet current immunization requirements, the school nurse will notify parents. School officials will withdraw the student if the parents/guardians fail to submit records of current information or have their child immunized as required by Law. The school nurse keeps a current list of the immunization requirements. New Mexico school entry immunization requirements can be viewed at this link.
Internet Use Agreement
The Technology Assistant and the classroom teachers will provide students instruction and guidance on acceptable use of the Internet. The Student Acceptable Use Agreement & Parent Permission Form is available online at the website. The Internet is a teaching tool and students will be using it to access online reference materials to complete assignments. Some district and state assessments are also taken online. Inappropriate use of the Internet may result in suspension of computer privileges and/or other disciplinary action.
All PreK-6th students will visit the library once per week. The library provides students with a selection of fiction and nonfiction books, research materials and an electronic catalog of books. Library books are selected to support the curriculum and student interests. Students are guided to choose books at their reading level. Students who lose or destroy a book will be asked to pay the replacement cost of the book.
Lost & Found
Lunch Schedule
No medication of any kind (including Tylenol, aspirin, cough drops, over-the-counter medications, or other) can be administered at school without a written order from a doctor and signed permission by the parent. All medications must be in the properly labeled container and stored with the nurse. A new order is required yearly for all prescriptions and medications. Students may not carry or be in possession of any medication at any time.
Non-Educational Items
Playground Safety
The following are some behaviors that are not allowed. This list is not inclusive and staff and administration will have the final decision on what is disruptive. Bullying, harassment, or cyber-bullying of any kind (texting, e-mails, notes, messages etc.)
Tackle, play fighting, or rough play
Jumping off the swings
Public Display of Affection (PDA), which includes, but is not limited to hugging, holding hands, kissing, etc.
Playing near classroom windows
Playing near or around the portables or behind the gym
Spitting Gum is not allowed in any common areas
Food cannot be taken out of the cafeteria
No parents may be on the playground
NM PreK is a voluntary program funded by the state of New Mexico. The PreK program began in 2005 to ensure that every child in New Mexico has the opportunity to attend a high quality early childhood education program before going to Kindergarten. Parents/Guardians may register their child online for the PreK program (space is limited to 20 students per year).
The Purpose of New Mexico PreK:
Increase access to voluntary high-quality pre-kindergarten programs
Provide developmentally appropriate activities for New Mexico children
Expand early childhood community capacity
Support linguistically and culturally appropriate curriculum
Focus on school readiness
Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
The PTO helps sponsor and support events and activities throughout the year that enrich our students' learning. Every parent is invited to become a member of the Raymond Gabaldon Elementary PTO.
PTO Office for 2024-2025:
President: Yvette Waites
Vice-President: Mary Ann Chavez
Treasurer: Julie Salas
Secretary: Justine Marquez
Board Policy 6.6: Religion in the Schools: The Board recognizes that religion has played an undeniable role in the formation of the world’s peoples, its civilizations, the foundation of our country, and the lives of its citizens. The place of religion in our society should be recognized as an important one. At the same time, under the Constitution of the United States, our schools may neither actively sponsor, nor interfere with, religion. The proper role of religion in the public schools is in its educational value in the study of subjects such as history, literature, and art, and in non-religious recognition of the place of religion in society. In that capacity, and when appropriate within the curriculum, the subject of religion can provide a basis for schools to teach our children about various belief systems, and their current and historical impact on human culture. The nonreligious study of religion also provides a basis for the schools to play a vital role in instilling understanding, tolerance and mutual respect among people of different backgrounds. Release Time for Religious Instruction – may need to follow up on this as it can be different with new attendance law. Teaching Sectarian Doctrine Prohibited: The parent or legal guardian shall be responsible for arrangements to transport the student to or from the school during the release time. Except for the authorized period of release time, the student shall comply with and be subject to all District policies, including the District and school site’s attendance policies. No religious Instruction shall be ”ondu’ted on school property or by any School District employee or member of the School Board. The District shall not incur any cost or expense in connection with any approved student release for religious instruction.
Report Cards/Progress Reports
Report cards will be issued each nine weeks for Kindergarten – 6th grade.
Grades K – 6 will receive a progress report half way through each quarter (at 4.5 weeks).
All report cards and progress reports reflect achievement in class work, attendance and behavior.
Report Card dates for the 2023-2024 school year are:
1st Quarter: October 2024
2nd Quarter: December 2024
3rd Quarter: February 2025
4th Quarter May 2025
Safety Drills
By law, fire drills and other emergency preparedness drills must be conducted throughout the school year. Each drill should have as a primary assumption that there is an actual hazard. For fire drills, evacuation, and relocation drills, students should move quickly and quietly through the assigned exit or the nearest exit. All students should face away from the building during a fire drill. Other safety drills students will participate in include shelter-in-place and lockdown. If an actual emergency occurs at school, parents/guardians will be notified through the REMIND system.
Safety & Security Guidelines
We appreciate your cooperation in keeping your children and our students as safe as possible during the school day. The security guidelines are as follows:
- Students may not be on campus until 8:40am.
- Parents and all visitors need to enter through the main entrance doors.
- All visitors must stop at the reception desk, show a valid ID, sign in, and get a visitor’s badge. If staff personnel see an adult/visitor without a badge, they will stop them and escort them to the office for identification and a badge.
- All district employees must wear identification badges.
- Parent(s), grandparents, relatives, or friends who come to the office to pick up a student will be asked for identification by the office staff. If your child is to be picked up by someone other than a parent, ensure the individual is listed as an emergency contact on your child’s contact information form and a hand written note with the parent/guardian’s signature must be provided to your child’s teacher giving us permission to release your child.
Special Education Services/Modifications
Los Lunas Schools provides a range of Special Education programs to students who meet eligibility requirements per the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Students may qualify for Special Education placement only after completing an appropriate referral, diagnostic evaluation, and Eligibility Determination. Referrals are made only after a wide range of strategies have been implemented to assist a child in the general education classroom. Parents are notified of any referral and must give permission for any diagnostic testing and potential Special Education services or placement.
An Individualized Education Program meeting is held with parents and staff to determine the child's most appropriate educational program placement. Parents are notified of eligibility and must give permission for any special education program placement.
Students who qualify for an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) may have modifications or accommodations included in the IEP to be successful within the general education curriculum. When a student has met the eligibility requirements for an IEP, the team will use the evaluation results to determine which accommodations and modifications the student needs to be successful.
Speed Limits
Student Assistance Team (SAT)
(Disclaimer: Processes and Systems may be changed by the District in alignment with MLSS Guidance.)
The Student Assistance Team assists students by ensuring that the school and community are doing everything possible to help students succeed. Students are most successful when there is collaboration and cooperation between home, school, and community. Based on this shared responsibility, the SAT meets to explore possibilities and strategies that will best meet the educational needs of students, and that supports teachers and parents. The SAT includes; parents or caregivers, teachers, counselors, specialists, wellness staff, school administrators or designees, and any other school or community members who can provide support. SAT intervention plans require participants to look at the student in a holistic manner. Each element in the SAT process provides essential information that assists the team in developing a successful intervention plan based upon student strengths.
Student Checkout
Students are not permitted to leave school grounds during school hours with anyone other than their parent/guardian, or individual(s) listed on the emergency list. Parents/Guardians must report to the office to check the child out from school. The office staff will require picture identification before a student is released from school. Students are not to be released from the classroom unless the office has notified the teacher. The office staff will call the classroom to notify the teacher and request that the child come to the office.
Please Note:
Students will not be allowed to be checked out after 2:35 p.m.
Student Council
In the fall, sixth grade students are given the opportunity to run for a leadership position in Student Council for the current school year. Additionally, two representatives are elected from each class in grades third through sixth as Student Council representatives. Student council officers and representatives should be role models, leaders, good listeners, and most of all responsible.
Tardiness/Early Removals
Students are expected to make every effort to be on time for school. Tardies and early pick-ups are disruptive to the educational process. If tardiness is considered chronic a parent conference/attendance meeting may be requested after five (5) tardies. Students with more than 5 tardies and or 5 early pick-ups will not be eligible for perfect attendance.
Preamble: Students at Los Lunas Schools (LLS) are expected to use the provided technology to support and enhance education, communication and workflow. In order to facilitate a safe and functional learning environment students are expected to adhere to the policy and procedures outlined in this document, and in the LLS Board Policy 6.17 - Acceptable Use. See the online LLSTechnology handbook.
Telephone Usage
Title I Grant
Title III Grant
Raymond Gabaldon Elementary provides second language instruction to qualified students in accordance with the NM Public Education Department. The goal of the Los Lunas Schools is to provide programs that are consistent with state and federal law. Programs include components that teach English acquisition and to develop English language proficiency through content instruction. Our program has licensed teachers who have received training in TESOL/ESL/Bilingual education, and are designed to focus on academic English language acquisition and vocabulary skills. The district supports a variety of program options. Program success is systematically reviewed by ongoing assessment methods in English.
The Los Lunas School District provides transportation to students who qualify for transportation under N.M. State Law. Students residing in designated hazardous walking areas also receive transportation. All other students are required to walk or be transported by parent/guardians. Transportation is a privilege. Anytime students ride a school bus, they must obey state and local regulations governing transportation. Parents are asked to assist with implementation and enforcement of rules to insure school bus rider safety. Questions regarding student transportation should be directed to the Supervisor of Transportation (866-2147). Transportation changes cannot be made over the phone. Changes in your child’s transportation home must be submitted to your child’s teacher in the form of a handwritten note or in person. Teachers will make a change in a student’s transportation only when a parent has made the request in writing or in person. Once students have boarded the buses at the end of day dismissal, students will not be removed from the bus. Parents will meet their child at the bus stop. Students will not be dismissed from class after 2:35pm.
Parents and community members are welcome at Raymond Gabaldon Elementary. All visitors must sign-in at the office when they arrive on campus. The main entrance is the single access point to our campus during school hours. Brothers/sisters or other children are not permitted to visit the school, unless they are accompanied by an adult. Visitors are welcome to observe and/or help in the school and in the classrooms, if set up with the classroom teacher in advance; however, other siblings may not come to the classroom when a parent is volunteering. Visitors will be given a Visitor’s Pass when they sign in for their visit. The following guidelines have been developed to provide an open and safe environment that minimizes disruption to the instructional process:
All visitors are asked to “sign in” and “sign out” at the reception desk. A secretary will ask to see a valid ID in exchange for an official visitor’s pass that must be worn above the waist at all times while visiting our school. Passes must be visible and in plain sight. Classroom visitors are asked to arrange their visit in advance with the classroom teacher. This can be done in writing or by phone (866-0456).
Volunteer Board Policy 5.31 The willingness to provide volunteer services to the Los Lunas Schools is supported and appreciated by the District. Parents and community members are encouraged to act as volunteers in assisting the District with its educational mission within the legal framework in which the District operates.
Volunteers must sign and submit an agreement in which the volunteer acknowledges and agrees that the following obligations or restrictions will apply to volunteer as a result of the District’s acceptance of volunteer’s offer to provide volunteer services to the District:
A. Volunteer will comply with all policies and procedures of the District, including, but not limited to, policies requiring an individual to undergo criminal background checks, to maintain the confidentiality of student records as required by the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), to comply with the District’s policies on computer use policy, Drug Free Work Place Act and sexual harassment.
B. Volunteer is not an employee of the District and shall not accrue any rights to compensation, leave or other benefits of employment. The District may reimburse volunteers for mileage, subject to the Mileage and Per Diem Act and may be paid a nominal amount for other charges and expenses approved by the District.
C. Volunteer agrees he or she will provide services subject to the direction and supervision of District employees.
D. Volunteer agrees that the District may at any time, in its sole discretion, terminate a volunteer’s services to the District. E. All individuals requesting to volunteer in the School District during the school year are required to apply with the Human Services Department.
E. All individuals requesting to volunteer in the School District during the school year are required to apply with the Human Services Department.
Volunteers must have the following:
1. Criminal background check to be paid by the volunteer or the requesting school; and
2. Waiver statement and volunteer information sheet.
The Personnel Department will notify the school when the paperwork is complete. Once the school receives notification, the school may contact the volunteer to report to the school.
An employee of the District may serve as a volunteer only if:
The individual chooses to volunteer solely at his/her option for civic, charitable or humanitarian reasons.
He/She has no expectation of compensation but may be reimbursed for mileage, subject to the Per Diem and Mileage Act and may be paid a nominal amount for other charges and expenses approved by the District; and
Such services are not the same type of services which the individual is employed to perform for the District.
Supervision of volunteers in the schools shall be the responsibility of the principal or site administrator, or delegated staff members. As a general rule, volunteers should not have unsupervised access to a student or students. Volunteers must be in the constant presence of school personnel. Special situations may arise which may cause a volunteer to be unsupervised. If such a situation arises, the building level administrator must approve the volunteer having unsupervised access to a student or students. All Volunteers shall agree to provide services, subject to the direction and supervision of District employees. Volunteers shall agree that the District may, at any time, in its sole discretion, terminate a volunteer’s services to the District.
The School District reserves the right to exclude a volunteer from working in the schools in its sole direction. The Personnel Administrator shall assure District compliance with NMAC 6.50.18 establishing NMPSIA standards on establishing and maintaining the volunteer program.
The following guidelines have been developed to provide an open and safe environment that minimizes disruption to the instructional process:
- All volunteers are asked to sign in and sign out at the reception desk. A secretary will ask to see a valid ID in exchange for an official visitor pass that must be worn above the waist at all times while volunteering at our school.
- Classroom volunteers are asked to arrange their visit in advance with the classroom teacher. This can be done in writing or by phone (866-0456).
- “Non-school age” children or children who do not attend RGE, are not permitted on field trips or in the classrooms while parents volunteering.
- Volunteers to the school must follow the Volunteer Dress Code Policy:
1. Dresses: Length of dresses and skirts need to be as long as the longest finger when arms are hanging down. Low cut dresses are not permitted. Spaghetti strap or halter dresses are permitted only if covered with a sweater or jacket.
2. Pants/Capris: Pants or capris may be worn.
3. Shorts: Shorts must be longer than the longest finger when arms are hanging down.
4. Shirts/Tops: No spaghetti straps, tank tops, or low cut shirts (two inch wide straps are permissible). Untucked shirts need to cover the waistband of pants or skirts.
5. Tattoos/Piercings: Inappropriate (profane or graphic) tattoos must be covered at all times.
6. Shoes: Beach flip-flops are not allowed.
Withdrawal From School/Transfers
- Please allow 24 hours for withdrawals to be processed
- Parents are encouraged to notify the office 24 hours prior to withdrawing a student.
- Students under the age of 18 will not be allowed to check out of school without a parent/guardian.
- Parents who are withdrawing or transferring their child from the Los Lunas Schools, should follow this procedure:
-Present a valid ID
-Pick up a withdrawal form from the office
-Have teacher, librarian, nurse, secretary and principal sign the form
-Check all books into the teachers
-Pay all fines.